Empowering Legal Teams with Global Solutions

Get support from legal experts helping industry-leading Life Sciences manage global legal matters at scale leveraging decades of experience, translation memory, and state-of-the art ediscovery technology.  

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Why Legal Teams Love TransPerfect Legal Solutions

Our knowledge and experience in Legal is evidenced by our ability to create and curate strategic solutions to improve their day-to-day operations / reducing administrative burdens. 30+ years of making these solutions for you specifically, evidenced by what we do:


    Translate your patents into one or more languages in order to file in international markets. Reduce administrative burdens and the complexity of filing patents around the world. Services include in-country filing management, translation management, and document review.

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    Litigation Support

    Manage all of your litigation support needs with TransPerfect Legal. With offices in over 100 cities worldwide and specialist teams skilled in 200 languages, protect your patents from infringement or violations around the world.

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    Translation Services

    Ensure conceptual equivalence and cultural appropriateness in any language, minimizing time-to-market, mitigating risk, and ensuring compliance in global studies.

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    Protect IP and Ensure Successful Product Commercialization

    When it comes to investigations and litigation support, TLS helps mitigate the challenges associated with e-discovery, privacy, and information security, and provides visibility into the discovery management process. Leverage our proprietary database of vetted candidates from around the world to assemble multi-language teams to support patent filings, mergers and acquisitions, product licensing, international leases and contracts, and more.

    Trusted by Life Sciences Organizations Big and Small

    St Jude Medical
    CVS Health
    Pfizer logo
    Sanofi logo
    Takeda logo
    Roche logo

    News and Thought Leadership

    Industry insights from our experts. We have the experience and solutions you need to navigate life sciences complexity and bring breakthroughs from lab to launch.

    Generative AI in Life Sciences Industry: Ethics, Applications, and Transformations

    Discover the role of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in life sciences, including what is merely a trend vs. what is truly transformative. The speakers will explore pragmatic applications, ethical considerations and the potential future role of generative AI in life sciences, research and development (R&D) and product development. The discussion will provide valuable insights into the ongoing AI revolution within the life sciences sector, including ...

    Generative AI in Life Sciences Industry: Ethics, Applications, and Transformations

    AI and MT for Regulatory and Clinical Content Office Hours - 5/15/24

    Welcome to TransPerfect Life Sciences' AI and MT Ask an Expert Office Hours. In these sessions, we provide an opportunity for our community to submit their pressing questions for our experts to answer live, in the company of your industry peers. If you are looking for some ...

    Trial Interactive Customer Summit, OpTImize

    - | Sheraton Times Square 811 7th Avenue New York, NY 10019 ...

    AI and MT "Ask an Expert" Office Hours - 4/10/2024

    TransPerfect's experts gather to answer questions from global pharma, biotech, and medical device leaders regarding AI and MT use cases, challenges, opportunities, best practices, and more. ...

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